Dear friend, I hope that you will not expose or betray this trust that I am about to impose on you. I decided to contact you to help me for this business for the mutual benefit of both of us. My name is Mr. Ntemeh Banfobi the Auditing and Accounting section manager in Bank of Africa Burkina Faso, there is one of our customers who have made fixed deposit of sum of ($8.2)million for 7 years and upon maturity; I sent the notification to his address but no response. After few months, we sent a reminder and finally we discovered that he died after a brief illness in his country. We tried everything humanly possible to locate his relatives or family, but all efforts failed. The deposit is still intact with my bank and the interest is being paid into the principal sum at the end of each year. If the fund remains in the account for more months it will be confiscated and transferred into the Government treasury as unclaimed fund. That is why I am contacting you to joining hands with me in honesty and truth to for the fund to be transferred into your bank account, a bank account any of the world can help for the transfer. All that is required of you is to contact my bank with the information I will send you as the next of kin or a business associate of the depositor with this system the fund will be paid into a bank account you will provide to the bank. To be honest with you, this is totally legal and 100% risk free. But the secret must remain between you and me, I have worked with this bank for many years and I know their secret and I have carefully mapped out my perfect strategies to handle this operation successfully. The depositor is my close friend before his death that is the main reason why I knows much about the existence of this fund and the depositor. We will also use some part of the funds to help the orphanage and less privileged children in the world. Please keep this proposal as a secret between us and delete it immediately in your mail box if you are not interested. But if you are interested give me an answer immediately. I await your response. Mr. Ntemeh. |
Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969)
O que é o Aikido
Aikido é uma arte marcial, de origem japonesa, caracterizada por ser totalmente defensiva. Consiste basicamente na execução técnica de prisão das articulações e movimentos rotativos, com o propósito de imobilizar o adversário. Faltam-lhe as técnicas ofensivas, o que é um reflexo claro da sua postura filosófica e princípios éticos.
A dimensão ética do Aikido privilegia o crescimento físico e psíquico harmonioso do ser humano, influindo na sua postura dentro e fora do local de prática. Tem como um dos seus principais objectivos unir a humanidade numa grande família: one world family, nas palavras do seu fundador. Através de uma salutar convivência entre as pessoas, banindo todo o tipo de agressividade e respeitando a integridade física do indivíduo.
Confrontado com uma situação de risco real, o praticante de Aikido fará uso da energia necessária para neutralizar o ataque, sem causar dano ao opositor, apoiando-se em técnicas vigorosas e firmes. Os praticantes mais experientes evitam todo o tipo de confronto, antecipando-o tecnicamente ou mesmo evitando-o pelo conhecimento profundo que têm da natureza humana.
Referência bibliográfica:
Morihiro Saito, Takemusu Aikido, Vol. 1, 1994, pp. 1-3
Sobre Morihei Ueshiba
Quem somos
Onde estamos
O Dojo do AIKIDO DO MINDELO encontra-se nas instalações do MindelGina, no antigo pavilhão dos militares, junto da Escola Preparatória Jorge Barbosa.
Horário e contacto
A prática de Aikido tem lugar todas as SEGUNDAS, QUARTAS e SEXTAS-feiras, a partir das 19:30 horas. HORÁRIO DE ATENDIMENTO: Segundas, Quartas e Sextas-feiras das 17 H - 20 H; Terças e Quintas-feiras a partir das 10:30 H. Telef.: 2327712 INSCRIÇÕES ABERTAS